在建立网站之前必须先规划好网站的发展方向,给网站做好定位。网站规划是网站建立的基础,要去分析多种数据之后才能得出结论。比如:百度搜索引擎量、百度指数和现实的市场占有率等,这些规划好了离网站建成功就不远了;标题对于一个网站来说是具有点睛之意的,它能决定网站在用户们心中的印象。一个好的网站标题和描述往往可以使你的网站在同类型网站中脱颖而出,网站标题和描述一旦确定好就不要去随意改动它。 定位好了网站,确定好了标题和描述后,接下来就是着手网站的布局。对于一般的小型网站我推荐大家使用扁平化的网站结构,扁平化网站结构比起树形结构的优势是在于方便蜘蛛的爬取,所谓的扁平化布局我会在另一篇博文中给大家着重讲解的。
Before setting up a website, we must first plan the development direction of the website and make a good positioning for the website. Website planning is the foundation of website establishment, which can only be concluded after analyzing various data. For example: Baidu search engine volume, Baidu Index and real market share, etc., these plans are not far from the success of website construction; the title is the finishing touch for a website, which can determine the impression of the website in users' minds. A good website title and description can often make your website stand out from other websites of the same type. Once the website title and description are determined, don't change it at will. After positioning the website, determining the title and description, the next step is to start the layout of the website. For general small websites, I recommend you to use flat website structure. The advantage of flat website structure over tree structure is that it is convenient for spiders to climb. The so-called flat layout will be explained in another blog.